Urban 基础设施 & Environmental 产品 Company
支持ing Resilient Social 基础设施
With our diverse range of advanced materials, 十大赌博娱乐平台解决全球基础设施问题,支持社会基础设施建设.
We supply a wide range of piping materials, 包括住宅及楼宇的供排水管道及空调管道, high performance pipes for plants, 及其他公共供水/污水管道, for agricultural water, and for electricity and gas supply systems.
These are 日本's first hard polyvinyl chloride pipes. The inner surfaces are smooth, and they are highly resistant to corrosion, 光, and easy to work with. For over half a century, 十大赌博娱乐平台一直以丰富的、高性能的、符合时代需求的产品阵容来支持生活必需的给排水基础设施.
由于它比钢管更轻,更灵活,可加工性大大提高, and uses our unique electrofusion welding. 它对供水行业的发展做出了巨大贡献,因为它具有优异的耐腐蚀性和卫生性,可以长期放心使用.
这是最适合热水和冷水的聚乙烯管. 无需担心腐蚀或泄漏,因为它是高度耐用和耐腐蚀的. In addition, it is 光 and can be worked with speedily. 当与SUPER ESLOMETAX FC组合用于热水和冷水分支管时, ESLON Hyper AW for cooling water pipes and other products, an all-plastic integrated line construct can be achieved.
ESLON AC Drain Pipe, 排水管用氯乙烯管加一层防止凝结, 在管道和连接处是否有一体化泡沫隔热层,以防止管道整体凝结,同时不需要滞后. 这种经济的管道材料不需要滞后材料或工艺. 它也可以快速安装作为办公大楼的交流排水管道, 酒店, hospitals and the like.
这些具有优良的耐腐蚀性和耐化学性. They can be used for many situations, including as piping materials for industrial plants, pipes emphasizing hygiene such as for food and medical use, and ultrapure water pipelines in semiconductor plants, to achieve safe and clean production lines. 十大赌博娱乐平台丰富的产品阵容,以支持适当的流量,用于创建可靠的管道在各个行业.
ESLON RCP是一种考虑到使用后维护管理的增强塑料复合管. 它是一种耐用的柔性管道,具有良好的水密性和优异的强度, and can reduce construction times. 有一些版本用于污水处理和农业等用途.
It is buried underground to store rainwater. With its revolutionary efficiency in storing water, having a void ratio of 93%, 它有助于控制雨水的流动和有效利用.
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- Industrial Piping Systems
- 工厂生产设备和材料,阀门,清洁管道材料
- Durastream
- Chlorinated PVC resin compound
- Material for underground water storage systems (CROSS WAVE)
Buildings and 基础设施 Composite 材料
十大赌博娱乐平台为建筑内部提供组件,如预制浴室, nursing-care/self-reliance equipment, plastic tatami mats, and plastic decorative sheets for walls and furnishings, as well as exterior products such as rain gutters.
十大赌博娱乐平台还提供有助于建筑安全的材料和产品, and to solving issues, such as fire-resistant, 不易燃的, and insulating materials, as well as materials for transportation infrastructure, including aircraft and railway, 如合成木材用作铁路枕木和隔音材料.
We offer building materials such as rain gutters, heat insulation materials, and materials for building exteriors.
这是一种有机耐火材料,在火灾中膨胀形成隔热层. 不像传统的板或毡型无机耐火材料, 它有柔性的薄片和胶带,可以很容易地弯曲或切割. Freedom of design is therefore significantly higher.
这是一种坚硬的、不易燃的聚氨酯泡沫,由某些树脂和阻燃剂制成. 这是日本国土大臣批准的第一种不易燃树脂, 基础设施, Transport and Tourism.
合成木材由硬发泡聚氨酯制成,并用长玻璃纤维增强, and has the advantages of natural wood and plastics. It is 光weight, strong, durable, and easy to process. Its use has expanded to include railway sleepers, water treatment facilities, and anchor walls for landslide control. It is also increasingly being used overseas.
这是一种可安装的约束振动抑制片,重量轻,薄, yet with high vibration absorption properties. 它在许多领域被用作抗振动和噪声的措施,例如铁路噪声.
- Design of Fire 保护 Material
- 通过在成型时对准热膨胀石墨,它在厚度方向上膨胀. This gives the maximum heat insulation.
- Chlorinated PVC (C-PVC)
- C-PVC is PVC with chlorine added. 它是使用SEKISUI化学自己的PVC聚合物和氯化技术生产的. C-PVC of excellent quality is used in our compounds.
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- Specialty Chemicals
- Resin material for Heat-resistant pipes
- 使用排水沟套件延长小屋/避暑别墅的使用寿命.
- Buy complete rain gutter kits online! In the colors brown, anthracite, black, white and grey. SEKISUI ESLON BV作为塑料排水管和配件的制造商已经建立了良好的声誉. 由于高质量的排水沟,他们提供长达10年的保证! 在网上商店,你也可以找到相关的产品,如锌水槽, rain chains and rain barrels!
基础设施 Renovation
We provide repair, 康复, and renovation methods for aging infrastructure, which is a growing issue in society.
污水管道的修复是通过在内表面内衬螺旋形状的硬质聚氯乙烯材料来实现的, achieving longer lifespans. There is no need to dig up roads, construction periods are significantly shortened, and emission of industrial waste, such as soil and sand, is greatly reduced.
SEKISUI AQUA SYSTEMS提供的水箱系统产品和服务结合了先进的技术能力,不仅用于储存和稳定供应与日常生活密切相关的宝贵清洁水, but also for treating wastewater and other functions.
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- 工业厂房设备的诊断、设计、施工和维护